Below we present a comprehensive overview of the 20,209 registered jobseekers in Luxembourg as of end of May 2020 with respect to:
- Level 1: Duration of unemployment registration
- 1 – 3 months
- 4 – 11 months
- 1 year or longer
- Level 2: Age of the jobseekerbelow
- 30 years (<30y)
- 30 – 44 years (30-44y)
- 45 years and older (>44y)
- Level 3: Gender of the jobseeker
- Male
- Female
- Level 4: Highest education level attained
- Secondaire Inferieur
- Secondaire Superieur
- Superieur
The above overview may bring to notice the relative situation of individual sub-groups and probably the need for group-specific intervention.
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