
How do I ask something about the graphs or maps.

You can directly message us through our facebook page and we would try to get back to you soon. For some articles, we would provide a facebook link at the end of the article where readers can discuss about the post content.

Why ExpatNotesLux website load differently in different browsers?

ExpatNotesLux website uses modern HTML5 markup language to display its content, but unfortunately all browsers do NOT have the same level of support for different functionalities and therefore may load contents a bit differently. For best user experience, we suggest to use the latest Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browsers.

PS: 'Internet Explorer' support is minimal and therefore we suggest to use at least 'Microsoft Edge',  or other browsers, if possible.

Would ExaptNotesLux website work without JavaScript?

The charts and maps on ExpatNotesLux are created dynamically and for interactive purposes, needs Javascripts. So, if the JavaScript is disabled in the browser settings, ExpatNotesLux website would not be able to show the charts and maps.

Can I suggest for a particular chart/map?

Yes, of course. ExpatNotesLux welcomes your sugesstions for new charts or maps of interest, however it depends if the data is freely available on a public domain or not. If yes, we would try to make a chart/map.

How I contact ExpatNotesLux directly?

At the moment we are accessible through our facebook page only. We might have other possibilities in future.

Why I cannot see any charts or maps?

ExpatNotesLux uses external resources (javascripts) to prepare the graphs and maps dynamically and any temporary outage in these services would lead to no maps or charts are created! So, please check again later or write us on our page on facebook. We will try to attend to it at the earliest.

These are some of the frequently asked questions and if you did not find the answer to your query above or have a different query, please feel free to write to us through our page on facebook. We will try to attend to your query at our best.