The most common baby First Names born in 2020 in Luxembourg according to their appearances in the Registre National des Personnes Physiques (RNPP) are as follows:
clicking on the table-header would sort names alphabetically.
Gabriel |
Liam |
Louis |
Noah |
Lucas |
Luca |
Felix |
Matteo |
Adam |
Leo |
Arthur |
Santiago |
Enzo |
Alexandre |
Alessio |
Elias |
Isaac |
Mateo |
Lou |
David |
Daniel |
Ben |
Samuel |
Emil |
Theo |
Nicolas |
Rafael |
Jules |
Diego |
Tiago |
Mathis |
Tomas |
Lio |
Hugo |
Dylan |
Maxime |
Oscar |
Lorenzo |
Charles |
Alexander |
Emma |
Mia |
Sophie |
Alice |
Lena |
Lea |
Lina |
Maria |
Eva |
Charlotte |
Victoria |
Anna |
Sofia |
Laura |
Julie |
Mila |
Julia |
Elena |
Iris |
Leonor |
Emily |
Sarah |
Chloe |
Stella |
Ella |
Rose |
Nina |
Matilde |
Zoe |
Louise |
Marie |
Luna |
Emilia |
Giulia |
Clara |
Yasmine |
Hanna |
Lou |
Olivia |
Nora |
data source: